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HP launches pre-integrated NFV platform

15-05-2015 | Global Updates
US computing giant HP has launched HP NFV System, which is a pre-integrated platform designed to speed up the NFV deployment process for CSPs.

HP is drawing upon its enterprise IT expertise to help CSPs with their move to the cloud.

Its NFV solution is comprised of the following ‘kits’, as described by HP:

·      HP NFV Starter Kit – An all-in-one kit comprised of compute nodes with carrier grade performance, control nodes in high availability configuration running virtual infrastructure management (VIM) software — HP Helion OpenStack Carrier Grade, as well as physical infrastructure management (PIM) software and storage nodes.

·         HP NFV Compute Kit – Comprised of server nodes that run virtual network functions (VNF) workloads, combined with carrier grade capabilities that enable fast packet processing required in telecommunications applications.

·         HP NFV Control Kit – Consists of HP Helion OpenStack Carrier Grade VIM software and PIM software, including HP OneView, HP Intelligent Management Center and HP Central Management Console. HP NFV Control Kit is designed for customers running custom, limited trials reusing existing infrastructure elements with minimal CAPEX spend.

·         HP NFV Storage Kit – A pre-configured solution that can be integrated with HP NFV Starter Kit to provide additional capacity for storage intensive applications like content delivery networks (CDN).

“Many telcos and suppliers have done NFV proof-of-concepts and are ready to move to production,” said Saar Gillai, GM, NFV and global lead, telecommunications at HP. “To do that, they need solutions that are open, carrier grade, and easy to deploy. HP NFV System provides an integrated, pre-tested, deployment-ready NFV hardware and software platform to get customers up-and-running quickly and confidently.”

As NFV proofs of concept mature and real-world implementations roll out, various industries are scrambling to be the provider of choice of such solutions to CSPs. HP typifies the approach of the enterprise IT sector, with its strength on cloud computing, while traditional kit vendors and smaller specialist vendors are anxious not to lose CSP business to the IT sector. Even silicon players such asARMare getting in on the act. HP is hoping its new NFV solutions will be available in Q3 2015.

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