Hutchison Whampoa debuts global MVNE platform
The company's new Hue business has launched in the UK. Hue acts as a single point of entry for MVNOs seeking coverage on Hutchison Whampoa and other operators' networks in multiple markets.
The MVNE platform offers additional services including CRM, billing and provisioning, as well as the ability to interface with third-party providers.
Hue will provides access to Hutchison Whampoa's networks in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Macau, Vietnam, Australia, Austria, Denmark, Italy, Ireland, Sweden and the UK.
For customers wanting to launch in markets outside of this operating footprint, Hue plans to negotiate contracts with local operators to provide connectivity.
“Today’s mobile wholesale market is fragmented and new entrants to mobile are often challenged with needing to understand market nuances and regulations in different countries,” Hue CEO Jarrod Nink commented.
“Hutchison Whampoa’s industry-wide credibility provides our customers with the reassurance that they will be able to connect end users to the latest 4G technology and robust networks.”
MVNEs or mobile virtual network enablers help brands launch MVNOs.
Telecom Asia