Mobile numbers to have 10 digits only next year
A telecom fair visitor inspects a mobile phone on display. All mobile phone numbers will have 10 digits only next year
The Ministry of Information and Communications has worked with mobile carriers over the plan in which the last seven digits of 11-digit numbers will be kept unchanged while the first four digits will be changed.
The current 10-digit numbers beginning with 090, 091, 092, 093, 094, 099, 098, 097, 096 will remain unchanged, according to the ministry.
Carriers will have to publicize their phone number change plans 60 days in advance. In a period of 60 days after the change starts, customers can still use their 11-digit numbers.
This is the result of an ongoing plan to change landline phone numbers nationwide, which allows mobile carriers to increase their stocks of 10-digit mobile numbers.